Friday, April 23, 2010

Today's Sage Spark: Wise Words To Live By

If you were to leave your legacy in writing, what would you say? What sage advice would you leave to those coming after you about the essence of life and the best way to live it?

Of all the decisions we've ever made, the headiest of all was probably made back as a child. We watched. We listened. We gathered messages up from the adults around us. At one time or another we thought, I'll never be like that...When I grow up, I'll be better, do things differently. My way.

So, how have you chosen to live? Have you been true to the self you envisioned?

At some point in college I stumbled upon to Robert Frost's poem, The Road Not Taken. "Two roads diverged in the woods and I... I took the one less traveled by... and that has made all the difference.

I was intrigued with those last lines. Yahoo, I thought. This is who I want to be. I realized then that the power to choose exhilarated me. This one life was laid out before me like a blank journal. All these options, and I could take any path I wanted. BE whomever I wanted. Not just professionally, but as a person. Definitely a gift.

I've chosen paths, and sometimes they've chosen me. Some have led me straight to where I wanted. Most have taken me the long way around. No matter. I learned to appreciate and find the value in wherever I was. No regrets.

So if I were to leave my legacy, this is what I'd say. Embrace your power to choose. Take responsibility for living your own dreams. Never look back. And mostly, enjoy the ride.

This philosophy has apparently worked for me, so I'm sticking to it. But I'm not done yet. I've got far to go. Too many choices set out before me like a sumptuous buffet. Ah, now what to savor next?

And now, who are you? Who have you been? What legacy will be yours to pass on?

About Me

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Costa Rica
50's and Fabulous - that's the way it's supposed to be, right? I have to admit, being here is not such a bad deal. A few years ago we sold the farm (literally) and moved to the jungle. Who knew that I'd be spending life with monkeys, scarlet macaws and sloths? It's actually pretty awesome, though I have learned that no Paradise is perfect. I'll tell you more about that sometime... But for now, come share all the savvy and sparkle we've grown into over the years. Speak your heart, tell your stories. Here's to us ~ Cheers!